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WOJG (W-1)










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  Who and What are the Warrant Officers of Today?


   Good question. We are the invisible who make the army run. We provide the knowledge and support the army needs to continue to operate. Without us, Commands would fall to the wayside while trying to "re-learn" supply, logistics, and maintenance procedures. While they say there is nothing to compare to a Command, I say there is nothing like making a commander successful when he is worthy. However, it really sucks making an un-worthy commander successful. But we do it in the best interest of the army and the soldiers.

  • WE are the best bet for the future of the army. 

  • WE run the maintenance, supply, and personnel programs (heck, every specialized area) that you depend on for your OER. Remember that!

  • WE don't care about kissing someone's ass to get ahead. 

  • WE care about the present AND the future. If you make the present crap for me, I will make the future crap for you. 

  • We don't like to be officers only when convenient for you. We are not "commissioned" officers, though we may be commissioned. It is NOT the same.














Eagle Pride
Teamwork, Partnership, and Technical Expertise!

It's An Attitude
That's Right. Without it, you might as well go to OCS because We don't need you.

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We run the Army.