Chief Warrant Officer 3


Jobs to be done.



   Instructor Pilot

   Safety Officer

   Operations Officer



Best Said:

Best (Track) Officer I've 

    worked with!

Isn't afraid to say what's right.


Worst Said:

Yes man/woman.

Who? (you've all had them!)

Why isn't (your name) a PC?




Comment on this page!






   CW3.  Here is a position that commands a great deal of time and effort. You have the capability to do great things.  Do your job well. Don't let anyone pile additional duties on you.  Additional duties should be done by the junior WO's in the unit to help build their understanding of the unit and army.  Build experience in your field. Become subject matter expert.  Everyone will be looking to you for answers. Be ready to answer or find the answer.


   You must be mentor to the junior WO's in the unit and the battalion. You may also need to push the senior WO's in the unit to initiate WOPD.  If you are the senior WO in the company, start it yourself.  It is essential for all WO's to discuss issues concerning their career, their job, and the command climate. You must try to help juniors understand why certain things are happening if you can and assist as an interface to the command if necessary. See CW4 description.

Ideas that work. Voice your opinion!

   Bitching about problems hardly ever solve them.  Take charge and either present your concerns and the concerns of your fellow Warrants to the senior Warrant in the company or battalion so they can help with the command or gather you facts (problems) and solutions and take it directly to the command (if you are the senior Warrant). Don't let the crap get you down. You will feel better if you get something accomplished. If you get nothing, at least you will gain the respect of the other Warrants for trying.



What we need to work on is developing our junior Warrants.

W-3's Are Dynamic

This is the time to hone your job skills and provide a positive example of what a Warrant Officer should be!

Well on the way!

The next step is the Grey Wolf Pack. Can you make it? If so, how many junior Warrants did you help bring up to fill your place?