Warrant Officer Candidate

  The Warrant Officer Candidates come from all military MOS's, other services, and straight off the street (for flight school)!

  Experience is what the Warrant Corps is supposed to be about. All but Aviation draws from within and have  a working knowledge for their new responsibilities.

  Aviation is different in that there are no feeder MOS's to draw from. There are no enlisted pilots to draw experience from. Civilian pilots who come in are usually fixed wing pilots with helicopter training and therefore, no experience.

  High School to Flight School. What a concept. I wish I knew about this when I was younger! This person has no knowledge of either the army or aviation. This really doesn't matter in the big picture as long as they adapt to army life and learn to fly well. It is those who can not adapt that cause the most problems for the rest of us.

  For all WOC's or Want-To-Be's, remember, if and when you become a Warrant, you are expected to be the expert in your unit. If you don't know something, you must find out and provide the information quickly. You are also there to learn from your peers and subordinates. Just because you came from the enlisted house doesn't make you the expert as a Warrant. Be the expert but draw from others who are smart in a subject, and give knowledge to those who aren't. Everyone can spot a fake and there is no quarter given for those who pretend to know it all!


 Comment on this page!

Cock of the WOC

What we want!

An attitude;

Self Confidence,

 Desire to Achieve,

Strive for Knowledge,

Technical and Tactical





WOC of Shame


Not on the Menu!

Tired of Working and Want

a Break,

All of the Power and

None of the 


Pay raise