Chief Warrant Officer 5 (Silver Wolf)


Jobs to be done.

Track: Battalion or Higher

   Maintenance Evaluator

   Standardization Pilot




Best Said:

Knows everything!

Is molding the Corps.

Cares about the Corps.



Worst Said:

Doesn't know what's going in the Corps.

We have a CW5 in the BN/BDE?





Comment on this page!






    CW5.  You know the answers.  You should push for and attend the WOPD.  This may be the only interface Junior WO's will  get with you. You are the interface to the next higher command for Warrant Officer Issues.  You will be an icon for the Juniors. 


   It is essential for all WO's to discuss issues concerning their career, their job, and the command climate. You must reinforce the mentoring by the W-4's. Help make clear the vision of the Warrant Corps. Assist as an interface to the higher command when necessary.  The W-4's  should come to you with issues concerning the Corps and items that can be directly affected by the next higher command. 

ASSIGNMENTS (Mainly Rucker! But...if the shoe fits!)


   High level assignments come with the territory.  It is a great place to have an input for the future of the Corps.  If you homestead with easy short tours in between, we see. We start watching you closer. We tell others. You lose respect in the Corps unless we see a visible improvement to what you have control of.  Go and return 3 times? NO ONE IS THAT IMPORTANT!  Not getting fresh blood in a program or assignment causes that unit to stagnate.  Don't be the cause. Remember, we know you!    





You Are the Silver Wolf

You are what others should strive for. Do not forsake the Corps for your own pleasure or assignment. Take any job to benefit the Corps, but when you loose sight of the PACK, go back to a division. (Consecutive Hondo tours to and from Rucker DO NOT COUNT. We know who you are how long you've been there. We find your kind out of touch and worthless to us as a CORPS!)

  When you leave the service, judge your success on what you did to make the Corps better. 



Develop all Warrants. Take issues to the Career Center and fight to make the Corps strong.