Table of Contents

  1. Flight School Warrants - Should they be promoted so soon?
  2. Technical Warrants - Who should Rate them?
  3. National Guard Bureau Pay Discrepancies.
  4. Command Chief Warrant Officers

Flight School WOC's to Warrant - Aviation Issue

Please send me feedback on this subject. I will have an ongoing Poll area soon. I have heard that there are some serious concerns with the quality and attitude of new W-1s coming to the flight line. My personal experience is that good Warrants are born, not created. I do have problems with the early promotion to W-1 from Candidate. I don't believe that Aviation Warrants should be given the privilege of being a Warrant until their technical status is approved (graduation). By allowing them to be promoted early, you loose a year of professional development and forced discipline that could be critical to the career of those who may be on the edge of being a good Warrant. If you baby some, they will expect it later, and when they don't get it, they will be a problem or will leave after one tour. I have only had 3 WOs who I believe were in that category. The bulk of the WOs coming out of flight school are doing great. As a matter of fact, the first group was promoted to W-3 during the last promo board (Congrats!). My major concern here is the lack of Senior WOs available to mentor these guys/gals. They are now becoming the Senior WOs and many have not had a mentor that they could emulate to pass on their knowledge to the new graduates. 

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What should the Technical Warrants be doing for the Army? - Technical Issue

Wouldn't it be great if the Technical Warrants were not rated by the chain of command they work with? How could this work? Well, if all PBOs worked for the regional PBO and were assigned to a brigade (or other unit) as their technical expert. This could be use in a number of areas. These WOs would provide reports to the regional office as well as the supported unit. The army would have a big shock if things could have visibility through other means. What a concept! Lets get some ideas flowing on the feedback channel!

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National Guard Bureau Warrant Officer Pay Discrepancies. - NGB Issue

Recently, it came to my attention that there are some serious pay discrepancies for our NG Warrants concerning their full time civilian pay rates. In the real world, those whose jobs are more important and have an impact on the business make more. Why would the NGB pay the people who do the most work less than others? Specifically, in this case, the Maintenance Test Pilots of the NGB are being paid WG-12 while the Instructor Pilots are paid as WG-13. EXCUSE ME??? The MTPs work on the aircraft all month long. Their job is VERY important to the NGBs ability to perform their mission during Drill as well as supporting the other flights throughout the month. It is very apparent the the NGB has it's priorities skewed. 

Are there other cases concerning pay in the Guard? I'm sure there are. Please send me an e-mail or leave a comment about your situation. I will be creating a NG page to track these problems. I will also help get the information to those who can help so this important issue can be advanced.  

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National Guard Bureau Command Chief Warrant Officer Program.

This is an excellent program that is being instituted by the NGB to ensure that the concerns of Warrant Officers receive the same attention as that of the RLOs and enlisted soldiers. I am trying to get more information on this.

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Revised: November 25, 2001 .