Please let me know what you think of my site or comment on any subject.. This site is not meant to trash anyone personally, they are just my views. They do not apply to everyone. I have many more examples of great Warrant Officers than I do of the losers. I will post for any subject, but prefer to keep it related to Warrant Officers. I also reserve the right to remove a post. Please try to be constructive!

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17 Mar 2001


Thank you for dropping by. Please leave some contact information if you want others to get hold of you. You can also ask questions on the discussion page! Brian   

17 Mar 2001


It's not about who rate them, but being rated by some company grade officer who barely have 5 years in the military and do not have a clue of what our jobs intels. Most tech warrants have in an excess of 10 years or more of service and the average age is around30 plus. Unit commander concentrate more on unit things than for the tech warrant to fully perform their job specialty.

17 Mar 2001


I think this is the begining of a great site. Now if we can get the senior guys to read it and apply to speak for all Warrants.

17 Mar 2001


I have always wanted to do something like this. I wish I had more say in where the warrant officer corp is going but I don't know where to get the information or who to talk to. I hope that you can provide a one-stop shop for the information I want! Thanks for your efforts! Mike

22 Mar 2001


I truly think it is time for Warrant Officer pay to see a significant increase. The "school house" is pushing Warrants out of the tech field and into the leadership role more and more every year. Not that I agree with this, we are here because we are the best in our fields, chosen for our knowledge of systems and processes. "Go ask Chief, he knows". Anyway, it was painful enough that the LT with months in the Army made more than us because he was a college graduate (something that I must also have), but now with pay compression, that E-6 and E-7 you are now rating may make as much, if not more than you. It is definitely time for warrants to get the pay we deserve!!

22 Mar 2001


Once again we have lowered our standards to accomodate those who cannot make the grade. "When you volunteer for the Army, you volunteer to meet our standards". Maybe it should read: "If you volunteer for the Army, we will lower our standards to let you volunteer." Waiving the BNCOC requirment and granting additional waivers for some tech fields will set us back untold years. What are we doing to ourselves? Do we really want marginal barely qualified soldiers in our Corps? We are here to be the best of the best.

29 Mar 2001
Remote User:


Hat's off to your hard work...a site like this is long over due. I totally agree, the time to unite and turn the "volume up" is now!

For the corps!


Joel Lockhart

14 Apr 2001
Remote User:


Why do I have to explain what my job is to every new commander I get? Only to be told that I am an officer and will be responsible for things that are clearly commissioned officer duties as well as my technical job? This is getting old fast! Does it change as you go up in rank?


16 Apr 2001
Remote User:


Thanks WOLF-Pack, I hope we'll make the best of this WEB site.

19 Apr 2001
Remote User:


Great site. I think it is time we band together and speak out on all these issues brought up. All are valid and the senior leadership should know our concerns on the decisions they make about "our Corp".

09 May 2001
Remote User:


This is a very interesting site. I'm Tech WO. The topic you have address here are valid yet have an aviator perspective. I would like to invite more of the Tech's to air topics for discussion or posting. So we can get both perspectives. Typical, to all tech's. Such as "Why does the LT rate WO that have boots that have been in the Army longer than the LT?"; "Would I be better off writing my OER or teaching the LT?" (Remember the LT may one day be CSA.) "Should the Warrant Officers have direct representation as the Enlisted/Officers with a Chief Warrant Officer of the Army?" (Some ARNG do have a state representative); "Would this assist the Warrant Officer Corps with better visibility on WO issues?" Mr. U

06 Jun 2001
Remote User:


I don't like the Command Chief Warrant Officer thing. It's too reminiscent of the SMA, etc. We don't need another position. What we need is to receive equal pay and treatment. This can probably be better accomplished by having warrants managed by our branches rather than being separated and managed by warrant officer division at PERSCOM. There are already a couple of warrant specialties that are managed by their branches, e.g., Vet specialist and Med repair guys, and they tell me that they receive the same quality treatment their regular counterparts do and attend the majority of the same schools.

15 Aug 2001
Remote User:


Very cool. My name is Sean and I heard about this web sight in my AQC class for 64D driver. I love what is being said here. Your Faithful Spot

25 Aug 2001
Remote User:


I a member of the most forward deployed US Army division in the world. This site will help me vent, because I am not getting the support of my rater or senior rater in this matter.

Recently here, there is a 1SG of the HHC who has been shooting down warrant officers. Yes, he and I have had our words, but this is not what concerns me. What does concern me is that he has made statements to the WO1 in the company that warrant officers are useless and that they were a bunch of NCOs who could not handle the NCO corps so that ran. Additionally, he had the nerve to call me on the phone and state that I was JUST a warrant officer and that I was not in charge of Sh**....and I was not a leader! This attitude is poisonous, as for he has also voiced his feeling about warrant officers to soldiers in the company, as well as my own. My rater will not take any action to stop this and the company commander is supporting his 1SG (Frocked) 100%

Any recommendations?

20 Oct 2001
Remote User:


Your newsletters are really good reading. I pass them on to others and recommend they sign up. Keep up the good work!

26 Jan 2002
Remote User:


I don't know about that, but if we were rated by someone outside the immediate chain of command...the ass kissing would stop and the truth would be revealed. I do not believe that tech Warrants of various MOS's should be rated by comparison. We are all Warrants, but each of us has an entirely different job. The Above Center of Mass, Center of Mass, and Below Center of Mass system only works for RLO's and maybe Aviation Warrants. I'm the only 914 in the Brigade. How do you compare me with a Supply Tech. This causes butt kissing, and a Quid Pro Quo attitude. Bottomline,the OER should be similar to an NCOER for Tech Warrants.

07 Feb 2002
Remote User:


Cool site Bro, Chuck Shaw, WORWAC 69-31 B Co (Warlords) 123 Avn Americal '70 Chu Lai WOPA


27 Feb 2002
Remote User:


Enjoyed the page! Great Start! As a former Warrant who flew in Vietnam, glad to see the attitude is still alive! email: "Uncle Al"

02 Jul 2002
Remote User:


As a 920A Property Accounting Technician I think it would be a grand idea. That way we could focus on accountability, requisitioning, and other related functions of the PBO, however we must focus, on the Commanders issues, and we are not allowed because there is only 24hours in a day to fulfill the commanders mission focus.

25 Dec 2002
Remote User:


Where were you when I was released into the wild in Vietnam? This site is a much needed addition to the Warrant Officer Corps. I have been following the career of a young Warrant Officer Aviation Student for the last year. Almost every point you make rings very true from that experience. The two most professional Warrants I had the pleasure to work with were my HAWK Warrants in my first Command in Wertheim, Germany (1974-1977). One was CW3 Fern who wore the "Glidder Patch" from WWII. The other was CW2 Scott, long in Air Defense. Both came up through the ranks, and neither needed to demand respect. They both learned and earned it. In fact, I cannot remember any Air Defense Warrant Officer from that era who did not command the respect of every Enlisted and Officer Soldier in U.S. Army Air Defense. Michael McCormick (Major, AD, AUS (Retired)) W3163208 WORWAC 68-31B4 / 68-517 A/123rd Aviation Battalion (Pelicans) 23rd ID - Americal West Bend, Wisconsin, USA

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Revised: 25 Dec 2002 11:46:59 -0500 .