Army Vision Sites (What the Army thinks best for us :-)

(Warning, Will Robinson!)


Leader Development Network - ****NEW****  The WOLDN has opened their listserver to all warrant officers. Please follow the link to their site an sign up so you will be able to see the issues as they occur and even be able to have direct input.



      News Items -

       Read this!  Army Times  "Big Changes Ahead for Enlisted, Warrant Officer" 18 DEC 00.

               I thought it funny that we had position codings to make sure that senior Warrants went

               where they could do the best for the army. They can't seem to promote fast enough to keep     

               Warrants in the service long enough to fill the positions (Wonder why :-) so they want to lower

               the position quotas to fit the numbers of senior Warrants still on active duty each year! Notice

               the Degree Programs being developed for the enlisted side but not the WO. And, they want

               to promote E-7's and above to CW2 after WOBC. As it is, they get a $200 raise for the

               promotion. They want to give them a $400 raise by promoting  them to CW2. Could we do this

               for WOs who go to OCS? A W1 could be a 2LT, W2 a 1LT, and CW3 a CPT. It is looks like

               the learning and mentor process as a junior officer isn't as big a deal as the army says it is. 

               Interesting recruiting tool. 



Center for Army Leadership - This hasn't been updated since March 2000. However, there is some cool info here. Well, ok, I liked the FM 22-100. They link to the sites above so most of this is outdated. No specific WO  development data here other than the general guidelines in the FM 22-100.